Nothing makes a wedding more beautiful than the

majestic sounds of Brass!



 The Classical Brass

Wedding Guide


Music holds incredible power to illuminate the magical moments of your wedding, and helps provide a beautiful context for its meaningful rituals. A brass quintet can add warm subtleties and majestic fanfares that will make your special day personal and unique. 

There are three primary parts of the wedding ceremony where music is traditionally incorporated: A prelude as guests are being seated, the processional, and the recessional. Optional music may include an interlude (such as candle lighting or communion) and postlude as guests leave.


Prelude music sets the mood, and provides a backdrop for the guests’ arrival.  Special pieces may be programmed for the seating of family and honored guests.  The prelude usually begins 15 minutes before the planned start of the ceremony. 

    For prelude music suggestions, click here: Wedding Music  



Processional music accompanies the arrival of the wedding party and announces the entrance of the Bride. Separate pieces are often selected for the general procession and the bride’s procession.  Typically this music has a feeling of grandeur, but any music is appropriate if it has special meaning for you.

    For Processional music suggestions, click here: Wedding Music  



A musical interlude can be reflective and add personal meaning to the ceremony.  Most often it is incorporated within important moments such as the lighting of a unity candle or communion.  Interludes should be considered entirely optional; if elected almost any tune can be appropriate.

    For interlude music suggestions, click here: Wedding Music  



This celebrates the announcement of marriage.  Recessional music expresses happiness and hope for the future of the couple and should inspire your guests to stand up and applaud as you leave.

    For Recessional music suggestions, click here: Wedding Music  



The postlude is similar to the prelude, serving as “exit music” for your guests as they depart to the reception or other festivities. A wide range of musical styles and tempos is appropriate.


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